Wasthu widhyawa and modern science

Wasthu widhyawa is an aspect that is considered before building a house since ancient times. It is the hope of many Sri Lankans to complete the components of their house in accordance with Vastu Shastra. And there are not without those who do not believe in this. But we think that what we are talking about today will be useful for both of them. Vastu In science, it is said that the house is built in such a way that the universal energy around us is taken into the house and spread throughout the house. What we are going to do today is to see if it is possible to explain some of the facts involved in the wasthu widhyawa through modern technology. To be honest, even though it is not possible to explain all the facts in that way, we thought that we should talk about some of the confirmed facts.

It is mentioned in Vastu that it is inauspicious to place the wood under the top of the roof above the eaves of the house. Let's choose this as the first point. Technically speaking, here is how it is. The wood under the top gives the weight of the roof to the wall. If the foundation of the house does not come along the wall. It moves linearly up to the foundation. The wall is the medium through which the weight is transferred. Now think about a wall with a doorway. There is no way to carry the weight transferred by a top wood above the doorway to the foundation because there is a doorway in the middle. So the wall cannot bear the load and the wall cracks. That's it. That is the simple technical explanation of the matter.

The second point we chose is that it is inauspicious to set the front and back doors of a house straight. This is based on ventilation. The air coming from one door of the house does not circulate in the house and can go out the other door as soon as it arrives. Then there is enough ventilation in the house. It is possible to not get it.

In Vastu, when looking at whether a land is suitable for habitation, there is a test where two pits are dug in the land, one cubit long, one cubit wide, and one cubit high. A cubit is 3 feet long. If there is no soil left when filled with excavated soil, the land is said to be unusable.If we talk about this from a scientific point of view, this is what happens. If the water settles quickly, this soil will most likely become a marshy soil. It is more likely to become a muddy sinking soil. Because good soil holds water for a long time. .If we talk about the other matter, we can find out whether this land is a filled land.If the amount of soil dug is less than the volume of the pit, it is more likely that the land is a reclaimed land. Because when a land is reclaimed, it cannot be crushed as strong as the existing soil. Then the air holes remain in the soil. Then the actual volume of the soil is less. This is what happens when buying a land. It is very good to see the names even if you don't believe in Vastu.

If you look at the Vastu facts about stairs, it is mentioned that the number of steps should always be odd. If you look at it as an analysis, this fact is used so that a person can start climbing the stairs with his familiar foot and finish with his familiar leg. Accidents due to use are reduced. Let's take another point related to tarappu line. It is mentioned in Vastu that every time the tarappu line turns clockwise, a normal person, whether he is right-handed or left-handed, is more familiar and likes to turn clockwise. By including such a point in the rafters in Vastu, it can be seen that the ancients had an understanding of human behavior in the past. In addition to this, it is mentioned in Vastu that a landing should be used after 10 steps in a rafter. Also, in modern medicine, landing after 10 or 12 steps. Applying one is claimed to help anyone of any age climb the ropes effortlessly.

If we talk about the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of the shape of the house, it is read in Vastu that a house that is close to square or rectangular is very suitable for living. But even if the shape is square, it is said that living in a house that is more than twice the width gives less good results. Not only the house but also the shape of the land. This applies. This can be logically explained by Kirchhoff's Plate Vibration Theory. Because it is a bit too long, I will bring it to you in a separate small article.

In this way, some of the issues involved in Vastu can be analyzed logically. And there is still no way to analyze many of them. We have brought this article not with the intention of pointing out that Vastu science is true or false, and you have only done some analysis of what we have heard. .See you again with an interesting article.


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